How To Wash Your Runners?

How To Wash Your Runners?

From slushy mud and dirty water to sweaty feet, there are many different elements that your favorite runners are exposed to as you take on your outdoor adventures. 

While it isn’t necessary to wash them after every run, neglecting them for a prolonged period can significantly compromise their function and appearance. 

If you want to get the full usage out of your current favorite pair, it’s essential to know how to wash your runners occasionally, using the guidelines below. 

Should I Wash My Runners In The Washing Machine?

Whether or not you can wash your shoes in the washing machine is solely dependent on what they are made of. You can find out whether your shoes are machine washable by checking their care instructions usually found on the inside tongue of the shoe. 

However, the general rule of thumb is that shoes made from animal-based fabrics such as suede or leather should never go in the washing machine. But most of the time it’s possible to wash running shoes in a washing machine if they are made from nylon, cotton, and polyester, but be sure to check the care label before doing so. 

Washing Runners In The Washing Machine: A Step-By-Step Guide

Below is a simple guide on how to wash your running shoes quickly and easily in the washing machine. 

  1. Read The Label

It is essential to read the label on your shoes to see if they can be machine washed before proceeding to any other step. Based on the fabric the shoes are made of, the label will suggest the best washing method. 

If it isn’t possible to thoroughly wash your shoes with a washing machine, you can always wash by hand, or use an old toothbrush to remove the apparent dirt on the surface, and then wipe them down with a damp cloth.

  1. Prepare The Shoes

Preparing your shoes for the wash involves removing any loose dirt from the surface and taking out the shoelaces. You can use a stiff-bristled brush for the surface of the shoe and hold them under a running faucet to remove any excessive stains and debris. 

Preparing your shoes in this way will enable the machine to do a more effective job. 

  1. Add Protection

It is advisable to put your shoes and laces in a mesh laundry bag to prevent them from getting snuggled into the washing machine.

Washing shoes in the washing machine also tends to get a little noisy, so you might want to add in some towels to make up the rest of the wash load. They act as a buffer to prevent the shoes from banging on the drum of the machine and producing excessive noise during the wash. 

  1. Prepare The Machine And Proceed With The Wash

Opt for a cool wash rather than a warm one to prevent the color on your shoes from running or fading. The water temperature should be cooler than thirty degrees, especially if your shoes are made of PVC or PU. Be sure to also use a good color detergent that will leave your shoes sparkling clean. 

Hand Washing Your Running Shoes

The safest way to clean your running shoes without damaging them is to hand wash them. The first step in this process is removing the laces and insoles to allow for thorough cleaning. 

Use a laundry detergent designed for running shoes and a brush to clean the outside of the shoe. You should then use a little soap and water on the inside of the shoe, while wiping them down with a lint-free cloth to remove any stains. 

Doing this regularly will go a long way in preventing the build-up of bacteria and dirt on your shoe and extending its lifespan. 

Drying Your Shoes

Since running shoes are sensitive to intense heat, it is advisable to dry them in the sun or fresh air, rather than putting them in the dryer. You may also opt to leave them in a warm room or hang them in an airing cupboard, but make sure it’s somewhere that is well ventalid to prevent the growth of mold. It’s important make sure that you never put your shoes in a dryer, as doing so can easily damage the adhesives that help keep your shoes glued together

This drying method tends to be a bit time-consuming, but you can speed it up by removing the innersoles and laces. Avoid artificial drying devices such as hairdryers, radiators, and tumble dryers since their high temperatures can alter the quality of your shoes. 

In Conclusion

Running shoes play a vital role in allowing you to keep fit and enjoy the outdoors by running, but it’s important to always get the right fit with running shoes, and to take proper care of them. Use the above guide to keep them clean and in top condition, so they’ll last you for years to come. If you want to learn more about which muscles work while running, you can read more here.



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