Why You Should Start Boxing?

Why You Should Start Boxing?

Boxing has undergone an enormous metamorphosis in recent years. In the past it was mainly associated with aggressiveness and fighting, but boxing is much more than that. In addition, it was mainly men who did this sport, but now you also see plenty of women who practice boxing. Boxing is much more than just hitting and kicking, it provides a full workout, both physical and mental. In fact, there are many reasons why you should give boxing a try.


With boxing, your whole body in motion and all your muscles are in use. Due to the great diversity of exercises, you train your entire body so that everything becomes stronger and/or tighter over time. In addition, you also improve your fitness, balance, coordination and reaction time. In short, it is the perfect way to get or stay in shape. Not only is it great for your physical health, but it also gives you a mental boost as well. Boxing workouts can be intense and this can be a great environment to learn how to test and push yourself to your limit.


During your boxing training, the endorphins are released in your body. This hormones ensure that you feel cheerful and happy after a workout. Boxing therefore makes you happier, even though the workout itself might be tough! In addition, you also sharpen your focus, so that you can let go of other thoughts. Do you train on a punching bag? Then you can also make perfect use of the situation by letting go of any frustration or stress you’ve built up.


Boxing is and will remain a martial art, partly because of this your self-confidence will increase. You will learn different punch and dodge techniques and combinations and you will have to step out of your comfort zone. In addition, you also learn to work together because you often work together in pairs. This also contributes to more self-confidence.


It is not possible to perform boxing training at a low level. You will always have to push yourself. This stimulates your blood circulation so that your brain receives more oxygen. This in turn ensures more productivity and a better ability to concentrate away from the boxing gym once you’ve finished your workout.


Importantly, boxing is never boring. Young or old, fit or just back from an injury, boxing is for everyone. Due to the wide variety of exercises, boxing is fun for everyone of any age and you can always keep improving. A good reason to go boxing with a friend, brother or sister.


Not sure if boxing is right for you? Give it a try. You don’t need a lot for training. You can go a long way with basic sportswear and good sports shoes. At a sports or boxing school they often have gloves for beginners, so you don’t have to purchase them immediately. If you like it, you can still buy a pair of gloves and even pads so you can workout with a partner. In addition, you can also do it at home or in the open air, but then you still need a punching bag or ball.



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