Stock In Store

1. Click the Check Stock In Stock Button

To check if the product is available in a store nearby simply click the “CHECK STOCK IN STORE” button.

2. Search by suburb or postcode

Search for your nearest store by entering a suburb or postcode, or click the “My Location” icon.

You can also narrow or expand your search range by KM’s.

3. Nearest stores

We will show you the nearest stores and their stock availability. You can view the location by clicking on the “View Map” or “Store Address” or click the phone number to call the store directly.

What’s “stock in store”?

Gives you the ability to see stock availability in the stores nearest to you. You will also see store information including the address, how far away the store is, phone number, email contact and opening hours.

What do the different call outs mean?
  • AVAILABLE: Product is available and in stock.
  • ONLY ONE LEFT!: You better be quick, last one!
  • OUT OF STOCK: The store it not showing any stock available.
Are all INTERSPORT stores shown?

More than half of the INTERSPORT stores are linked and providing updated product availability three (3) times per day. For a full store listing, please click this link.

What can I do if the stock is showing AVAILABLE or ONLY ONE LEFT!?

You can call the store during opening hours or email outside opening hours to request to reserve the stock.

What can I do if the stock is showing OUT OF STOCK?

Please contact your nearest store, because if they don’t have an item available, they will do their best to get it in for you. Alternatively you can purchase online if the product is available

Does it guarantee stock is available?

The nature of retail means we can’t 100% guarantee the information will be live and accurate, so we recommend you contact the store to confirm availability.